
Biotechnology is an engineering science studying the possibility to use the living organisms or products of their vital functions for solving specific technological problems. Specific human needs are covered by means of biotechnologies, for example: development of medical drugs, modification or creation of new types of plants and animals that enhances the quality of foodstuff.
Such sectors as health care, food-processing industry, pharmaceutics, agro-industrial farms and complexes are in need of bio-engineering laboratories, which will meet all up-to-date quality and safety standards. Bio-engineering equipment includes a turnkey line of equipment being involved in biotechnological process: starting with storage systems, laminators, bioreactors, centrifuges, DNA fragmentation systems, time-of-flight analyzers, homogenizers, sequenators, chromatographs, industrial automatic pipettors, dispensers, pressure sterilizers as well as other devices for analyzing the quality of production and raw materials.
The “Biotechnological equipment” section of this exhibition will display the following exhibits:
- bio-analytical systems and devices
- bio-measuring instruments
- equipment for omiks technologies
- micro fluid chips
- software and hardware for data bulk analysis
- IT-solutions for bio-banks
- bio-tests
- robotic systems
- consumables and reagent materials
Branch sections
- Medicine
- Pharmaceutics
- Industrial bio technologies
- Agriculture