Technical manual

This page contains the Exhibitor’s Manual (Technical services).
All documents are in .pdf format, which you can open by using Adobe Reader (you can install this program free of charge by downloading it).
The manual contains technical information about the upcoming exhibition, rules for performing installation work, installation deadlines and other information that may be needed when preparing for the exhibition.
Download information manual ITE Group requirements for stand projects and designORDER FORMS FOR TECHNICAL SERVICES
Order forms for technical services – a document that automatically calculates the amount of selected services. To do this, you indicate the required quantity next to the desired service.
Technical orders must be submitted by February 21, 2025. The deadlines are presented in Form T (page 44).
Technical services can be ordered in the following ways:
- Using our new service for ordering technical services TechStore. This service will be available after you receive a separate information letter about access to this service.
Online portal website >> - By filling out the technical services order forms, sending them in scanned and endorsed format to the email address indicated at the top of each form.
For questions related to ordering work on organizing suspensions for ceiling, please contact the technical manager:
Dmitry Shishanov
Phone: +7 969 192 75 03
E-mail: [email protected]