Analitika Expo 2022 press release

From 19 to 22 April, the 20th International exhibition for laboratory equipment and chemical reagents Analitika Expo 2022 will take place at Crocus Expo
Download press release>>Analitika Expo is the only intersectoral exhibition in Russia for manufacturers and suppliers of laboratory equipment, representatives of research laboratories from the chemical, pharmaceutical, agricultural, medical, oil and gas, food, biotechnological industries, as well as for distributors of laboratory equipment and companies specializing in design, construction, renovation, and complex equipment of laboratories.
In 2022, more than 110 companies from Russia, Belarus, France, Germany, Israel, China, India, and the USA will exhibit at Analitika Expo. The Kemerovo region, Moscow, the Moscow region, the Omsk region, the Republic of Bashkortostan, the Republic of Buryatia, the Republic of Mari El, the Republic of Tatarstan, Saint Petersburg, the Sverdlovsk region, the Tver region, and the Chelyabinsk region will be represented.
Exhibiting at Analitika Expo: Aquadrom, Bicasaru, BioSystemy, Catrosa, Chimmed, Chromatec, Chromos Engineering, Ecroskhim, Helicon Company, InterAnalyt, Lab Solutions, Loip, Lumex, Melytec, Merck, Millab, Netzsch– Gerätebau, Petrotech, Spvlab, Tescan, Tornado Lab, and many others.
Participating for the first time will be: Azimut. Tekhnosfera, MP Biomedicals, Dipaul, Econix-Expert, Femteco, Germeon, Helena RUS, IMC Group, Krezol Group, Kvalitest, Labconcept, Lacopa, Miass Factory of Medical Equipment, Oyatskaya keramika, Pharmmedpolis RT, Pushchinskie Laboratorii, Qvadros-bio, Syntest, and YPH Group.
Sectors of Analitika Expo
The exhibition will incorporate 7 sectors:
- Laboratory equipment and analytical instruments
- Laboratory furniture
- Laboratory glassware and consumables
- Chemical reagents
- Laboratory research automation facilities
- Test equipment
- Biotechnologies
The annual Competition “For ensuring high measurement accuracy in analytical chemistry” will be held at Analitika Expo, organized by ROSTEST-Moscow, the Association “ROSKHIMREAKTIV”, and the exhibition Analitika Expo.
Business programme
The four-day scientific business programme will take place at Analitika Expo. It will include 13 events and 4 presentations from exhibitors.
More than 80 speakers, including the representatives of the Federal Agency on Technical Regulating and Metrology, the Ministry of Industry and Trade of Russia, the Russian Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs, the SIBUR PolyLab research laboratory, the NIOST laboratory, the Institute of Light Materials and Technologies, the Yuri Gagarin State Technical University of Saratov, the Institute of Chemistry of SPbU, the All-Russian Research Institute for Oil Refining, the Kurnakov Institute of General and Inorganic Chemistry, and the Moscow State University, will discuss current issues of the industry.
The events will be sponsored by the AAC “Analitica”, the Association “Coordination and Information Center of the CIS Member States for the Approximation of Regulatory Practices”, ROSHIMREAKTIV, Rostest-Moscow, the Accreditation Center “Standard”, the Training Center “Assistance”, and the Scientific Council for Analytical Chemistry.
On 19 April, the round table “Work of analytical and testing laboratories under sanctions” will take place. The experts will discuss the consequences of sanctions on research laboratory industry and the measures of federal authorities to overcome the crisis. The moderator will be Andrey Lotsmanov, Deputy Chairman of the Committee for Technical Regulation, Standardization and Conformity Assessment of the Russian Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs.
The issues of regulation of laboratories and management systems are still relevant. The seminar “Keeping records in the analytical laboratory. Requirements of GOST ISO/IEC 17025-2019 regarding record keeping” and the session “Current changes in legislation of accreditation” will cover these topics.
A specialized platform for demonstrating innovative solutions SmartLab Forum will be opened all days. It will become a presentation area and a showroom for laboratory furniture and equipment. The general partner — Bicasaru. At the SmartLab Forum the events on the development and application of chemical sensors, the laboratory design, and the solutions from exhibitors will be held.
The session “Issues of regulation of circulation of chemical products. TR EAEU 041/2017”, the seminar “Control of oil products”, and the seminar “Modern Mass Spectrometric Methods for Biomedical Research” will take place for the first time.
On 22 April at 11:00 am, the awarding ceremony among the exhibitors will be held at the Big Lecture Hall. The winners in five nominations will be chosen by the members of the expert jury.
Sponsor of registration and navigation — Energolab Information partner — TV channel “MIR”
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