Dear exhibitors and colleagues!
Due to the stabilization of the situation in the country and in the world, we inform you that the Organizer does not provide visa services for participants and guests of exhibitions. This decision was made in order to optimize business processes and efficient use of labor resources.
At the same time, we will continue to advise you on all visa support issues.
Contact person from ITE Group:
Anton Pinaev
Head of department for work with state structures
[email protected]
+ 7 (909) 938 34 89, + 7 (968) 443 49 28
From July 15, 2022, restrictions on entry into the Russian Federation established by Government Decree No. 635-r dated March 16, 2020 during the spread of coronavirus infection are lifted. Now foreign citizens can enter Russia by any means of transport, including land. According to Decree No. 13 of July 07, 2020 of the Chief Sanitary Doctor of the Russian Federation, the mandatory quarantine of 14 days has been canceled for both foreigners and citizens of the Russian Federation.
According to Decree No. 13 of July 07, 2020 of the Chief sanitary doctor of the Russian Federation, the mandatory 14-day quarantine has been canceled for both foreigners and Russian citizens.
We remind you that, as before, when entering Russia, foreign citizens must have a certificate with a negative PCR test for COVID-19, which is valid for no more than 2 calendar days.